Monday, November 19, 2012

Lips so beautiful, made to be kissed

On Thursday morning, October 25, we went to our regularly scheduled 38 week doctors appointment.  Elliston's heart rate was 151.  My cervix was very soft but not dilated.  They did an ultrasound to check measurements and sweet girl appeared to weigh approx 6lbs 3oz, score an 8 out of 8 on whatever it is she gets a score for, and was as healthy as can be.  
Friday morning, October 26, I woke up at 230am with some cramping, nothing out of the usual.  I went back to sleep and was awoken at 430 am with much stronger "feelings" and a little blood on the toilet paper.  Nothing different from what I heard was normal.  I was 37weeks, 6 days. I noticed them coming and going.  I timed a few and they were never more than 5-6 minutes apart.  I wondered how i had heard so many stories of people getting so much accomplished in the beginning stages of their labor.  Luckily, my husband woke himself up by having some crazy dream.  I told him about my contractions and how quickly they were coming and how intense they were getting.  We got up and started getting stuff together.  I got in the bath and watched a movie from the bathtub, just trying to manage the pain (which was getting more intense a lot faster than i had expected).  We called our doula around 7am and since she lives so close she came over right away to check on me.  My original goal was to labor as much as possible at home.  I laid on my birth ball for a while, but for some reason just couldnt be ok with the situation.  I kept asking her if we should go to the hospital.  She made it clear that it was definitely my decision.  I said i could handle the labor better if I could just be sure Elliston was safe.  I had no reason to think she was anything but safe…. I just needed to be sure.  We made it to the hospital around 930am and my contractions were about 3 minutes apart.  In triage, they laid me down and started asking all the questions that are super annoying when you are having contractions 2-3 minutes apart.  And one very aggressive nurse checked me and announced that i was not dilated at all.  She put the monitor on my stomach and was having a hard time finding the heart beat.  It started to concern me, but i wouldnt let myself freak out.  They brought in a doppler and still could not find her heartbeat.  I began not being able to breathe at the thought of what was happening.  They put an oxygen maks over my face, which was making me more and more anxious.  They rolled in an ultrasound machine and did an ultrasound.  As soon as the picture was over her rib cage, where 24 hours earlier there was a strong beating heart, there was now a still, silent heart.  From our miscarriage 1 year ago, i was very familiar with staring at that heart beating at each ultrasound, and now to see nothing moving....that sight will forever be stamped in my memory.  My husband and I began to weep as the crowd of nurses left the room except one who remained with her hands lightly on my stomach while she stood praying for us.  Im sure that is somehow against some hospital policy somewhere, but I am forever grateful for that woman.  My doctor rushed over and did an ultrasound herself and gave the official word.  She slammed down the ultrasound wand and could not keep the tears from streaming down her face.  After a few minutes of tears and trying to catch my breath i was still having major contractions and we were faced with the reality of what the rest of that day held for us.  I begged to be put under and to just take care of it.  Thank God I had a doctor who didn’t let me make an emotional decision and walked me through every scenario.  After 11 hours of an epidural that sure never seemed to last very long, conversations i never imagined having, decisions I dont wish for anyone to ever have to make for their child, and having to push out my baby who will never experience any of the dreams we had for our new family.....Elliston Rae Pitts was born at 10:06pm.  As soon as she came out, I heard nothing but shock in the doctors voice as she began counting the number of times she had to remove the cord from around her neck.  Seven times.  Something she said she had never seen in her entire career and never even heard of.  Along with the 7 times around her neck was a tight knot.  Although I would give anything for none of this to ever have happened, I am glad we at least know what the problem was. 
After the cord was removed, we were handed the most beautiful baby girl.  6lbs 9oz of pure perfection.  Long toes, which did not come from me or Colby.  Long fingernails already in need of a baby mani.  Lots of dark hair. My nose.  Colbys ears.  Lips so beautiful, made to be kissed.
As my doctor and every nurse and person in the room didn’t even try to hold back their tears, I just watched every one as if I was a spectator in someone else’s tragedy.  I had no emotion other than numb.  I am currently still dealing with the guilt of my lack of emotion that night.  In a matter of seconds I witnessed Colby become the most protective, proud, loving father I had ever seen.  I saw him holding the most beautiful baby girl I had ever laid eyes on, still not believing that this is my life…..and that is my daughter. 


  1. Dear Tiffany, I know we have never had the pleasure of meeting, but I work with Kelli, and from the way she talks about you and Colby I feel like I have known you both for years. When Kelli told me that you were expecting, I was so excited. I know how badly Kelli wants to be a Grandmother. I was right there with her, listening to the stories about the doctors appointments and how yall were planning for her. The whole office was excited, we talked about the baby names yall had picked and we picked out clothes and toys getting ready for little Elliston's arrival. We were all so engulfed with baby fever, we never expected any bad news. the day yall went to the hospital, Kelli was so excited. All she could talk about with anybody was how happy she was, she was going to become Gigi today. This was her special day at the office. We went out to a business meeting lunch and as she was being introduced the first words ou of her mouth was " i'm going to be a grandma! My kids are at the hospital right now!" I have never seen more love and happiness beaming out of someone like that before, it was beautiful. Then we received a phone call telling us to get Kelli back to the office asap. On the way back to the office we talked about what kind of news it could be, we thought maybe yall were going to suprise her by facetiming her so she could be apart of the experience. We even prayed on the way back to the office. Nothing could prepare us for what happened when we got back to the office. Itzel and Dena were both crying and they took Kelli into a conference room and shut the door, and Dena came out and told us what had happened. We were all so shocked, we were speechless. It was so quiet you could hear our hearts all breaking. Everyone just quietly whispered "oh no". All of our eyes instantly swelled with tears. we just couldn't believe it. How could you go from hearing such happy news just hours before to such devastating news? Our brains couldnt comprehend the information we were just given. I can't even imagine what yall must have been going through in this exact moment. My heart still breaks everytime i hear anyone talking about babies. I just think "how can you even talk about that right now?" but i have to stop and remind myself that life goes on and the world keeps moving and it has to, it has to keep moving so we can keep moving too. I'm not going to pretend i know what you and Colby are going through because i have no idea. But i just wanted you to know that you have a strong family to stand behind you and support you through this tough time. You have all the love and support in the world not only from your family but from everyone here and at our office. I am always thinking of yall and little baby Elliston. When Kelli showed me the picture of Elliston, there was so much beauty in that little picture my heart couldnt take it all in. I knew i had to be strong for Kelli because i knew how hard it must be for her. I was okay until she said "she's my little angel" and i heard her voice crack and we both just lost it. I couldnt hold it in any longer. Elliston Rae is the most beautiful baby i have ever seen. She is so perfect. I am so sorry for your loss, but you have to be thankful for having the opportunity to have loved something so much even if it was for such a short time. I really admire you for writing this blog and putting your story out there to help other mothers that have lost their babies. It takes a special kind of person to take such a devastating story and turn it into something beautiful and inspiring. I hope other mothers find this and find you and yall can help each other find peace and happiness again. I know you can do it. I have faith in you.

  2. Tiffany,
    Words could never begin to express the hurt I feel for you!! As I sit and read your story, I think back to childhood days with you! Boyfriends and baby dolls and ALL the crazy kid things we did as kids. Time has sure flown by, and in that time, we drifted apart, but no matter the time that has gone by or the lack of communication between us, nothing can erase our childhood friendship, one that I am very proud to have had.
    I miscarried the twin to my youngest child, and must say that it is by far the most devastating thing that I have ever experienced in life. While I don't know the situation that you are facing right now, I want you to know the respect that I hold for you, for being strong, for crying, for being angry...all of which are human emotions that you are not too proud to admit that you feel, and from a mother's perspective, ones that any loving mother would feel, being in your shoes.
    Thank you for sharing the picture of Elliston. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! And you are so right, those lips were made to be kissed!!!
    Take your time in healing, but always remember that you are still her mother, and even though all the hopes and dreams that you had for her are now a thing of the past, you have a story to tell, you have turned a tragedy into a story you can help so many with. It doesn't just have to be to help other mothers who share the same loss, because I know your attitude through this all has inspired me. And for that I thank you!!
    I love you my dear childhood friend!!!
    Carri (Mixon) Blades

  3. Tiffany- I am SO SORRY that a "friend" would so selfishly impose their own rules on YOUR healing!! You and Cloby had NO "DISCLAIMERS" prior to this tragedy in which you are submerged and should NEVER be required to provide such for ANYONE who cannot share this anguish WITH you! This journey you are on is not one that is easy, or "padded" with the luxery of choosing which parts to accept! This is about your angel! ELLIE WAS HERE! And because her life was so limited in time, we CANNOT allow for ANYONE to limit it in intensity! For EVERY SECOND of Ellie's life must be treasured! Just like true love is unconditional, knowing every detail that you are willing to share allows for us to also love her and carry her in our hearts! Please, DO NOT APOLOGIZE for reality! Don't minimize your pain, your joy, your love, your experience for the "sake" os others. If it is too much for them to bear, then THEY should simply abstain from reading your blog! You and Colby are in my prayers and in my heart!
